The growing need to save power in residential and commercial buildings has revealed several aspects that had not been taken under consideration up to now. Considering that buildings stand for 40% of the global energetic consumption, there is a saving potential to be explored, mainly when renewing existent buildings and modernizing their technical installations.
To ensure this efficiency is not only about having efficient equipment, but it also depends on the way energy consumption is managed. Centralized Technical Management (CTM) systems allow an adequate management, monitoring, controlling, and commanding, in an integrated fashion, all installations in the building, such as heating and air conditioning, hot water in restrooms, energy gauges, lighting, security and others.
Lightplan makes sure that all energetic systems are integrated, with an overall knowledge in all engineering fields. The ‘building’, especially medium- and greater sized service buildings, will no longer be static, but a ‘living organism’ that can communicate with us through the acquired data.